Shuffle the RDA card deck and Event card deck. Deal out 2 free RDA cards to each player to start, as well as 4 Buck tokens for their starting Cash. Layout the board with the 6 value coins representing current market value of the 6 symbols.

Shuffle the RDA card deck and Event card deck. Deal out 2 free RDA cards to each player to start, as well as 4 Buck tokens for their starting Cash. Layout the board with the 6 value coins representing current market value of the 6 symbols.

Then for the Market Phase, roll the Value dice to move coins up on the board and roll the Crash dice to potentially move one all the way down to 0.

The round ends with the Sell Phase, giving each player the opportunity to sell one or more cards in return for cold hard Cash.

Play continues until the end of the last round. Make sure to sell all your RDA cards because they aren’t worth anything when the game is over!

Shuffle the RDA card deck and Event card deck. Deal out 2 free RDA cards to each player to start, as well as 4 Buck tokens for their starting Cash. Layout the board with the 6 value coins representing current market value of the 6 symbols.

Shuffle the RDA card deck and Event card deck. Deal out 2 free RDA cards to each player to start, as well as 4 Buck tokens for their starting Cash. Layout the board with the 6 value coins representing current market value of the 6 symbols.

Then for the Market Phase, roll the Value dice to move coins up on the board and roll the Crash dice to potentially move one all the way down to 0.

The round ends with the Sell Phase, giving each player the opportunity to sell one or more cards in return for cold hard Cash.